Legislative News and Updates
Legislative Update July 2023
HB628 is now SL2023-90
HB627 is now SL2023-77
SB582 is now SL2023-63
Legislative Update May 2023
Amend On-Site Wastewater/Env. Statutes (HB628)
On-Site Wastewater Rules Implementation (HB627)
House: Amend On-Site Wastewater/Environment Statutes (HB628) (Passed)
HB628 - This legislation amends several statues and include changes for private option permitting, the creation of a council, changes to the NCOWCICB and several other industry related changes. The Post Committee Substitute introduced on April 27, 2023 is available at the link below.
House: On-Site Wastewater Rules Implementation (HB627) (Passed)
HB627 - This legislation directs the NC Commission for Public Health to re-write sections the 18E rules that have been approved to go into effect January 1, 2024 - Click below to download a copy of the legislation. The Post Committee Substitute introduced on April 27, 2023 is available at the link below.
House: An Act to Authorize Discharges from Wastewater Treatment systems that Meet Specified Effluent Limitations to Certain Surface Waters (HB571)
HB571 - April 6, 2023 - This legislation authorizes the discharge of wastewater that meets a standard spelled out in the statute to waters of the State including wetlands, perennial streams, and unnamed tributaries of named and classified streams where the flow of the receiving water body is estimated to be low or zero flow. (This is primarily applicable to very large systems permitted through NCDEQ)
Senate: An Act to Establish an Environmental Health Associate under the State Board of Environmental Health Specialist Examiners (SB616)
SB616 - April 5, 2023 - This legislation creates an Environmental Health Associate. This bill reduces the education requirements to be employed to permit and inspect onsite wastewater systems in NC. This would allow an associate to issue permits and inspect any Type II or Type III on-site wastewater system.
Senate: An Act to Make Various Changes to the Agricultural and Wastewater Laws of this State (SB582) (Passed)
SB582 - April 5, 2023 - This legislation changes the approval process for onsite wastewater systems in NC, panel block systems, and wetlands in addition to other items not directly related to onsite wastewater.
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All residents of North Carolina are represented in the NC House, the NC Senate, and the US House is determined by district. Each resident of the state has one representative in each of those legislative bodies, determined by the district in which their residence falls. Detailed district plan information, including maps and reports, can be found via the NCGA redistricting page.