South Carolina Septic Installer School
How to become a Licensed Septic Installer in South Carolina:
SC does not require you to take any classes to become a licensed septic installer. Our team offers a 3 day septic installer school in NC that serves as an excellent introduction to Septic Installation. We recommend attending an installer school as a way to get started in the industry. You can register on this page for upcoming classes.
To obtain a license as a septic system installer, you must pass an examination with a score of 80% or higher. The exam covers topics outlined in Regulation 61-56, Onsite Wastewater Systems. Study this regulation thoroughly, and when you feel prepared, contact your local Environmental Affairs (EA) office to schedule your exam appointment.
Regulation 61-56, Onsite Wastewater Systems
Environmental Affairs (EA) office
Once you pass the examination, please submit an application to your local EA office and pay the $100.00 licensing fee.
Tier 1
May install all gravity-fed residential onsite wastewater systems. This level is not authorized to conduct repairs on existing systems.
Exam Required for License and $100 Fee
8 Hours of Continuing Education Required Every Two Years
Tier 2
May install all Tier 1 systems plus pumps, grease traps, systems with curtain drains, elevated infiltration systems, mound systems, commercial systems , large systems, and community systems.
This level is authorized to conduct repairs on existing systems.
Exam Required for License and $100 fee
12 Hours of Continuing Education Required Every Two Years
Tier 3
May install all Tier 1 and 2 systems plus all Standard 610 - Specialized Onsite Wastewater Systems.
This level is also authorized to conduct repairs on existing systems.
Requires 3 years in-state or 5-years out of state experience as an installer.
Requires proof of bond and insurance
Exam Required for License and $200 fee
18 Hours of Continuing Education Required Every Two Years