Senate Bill 166 Brings Changes to Licensing Requirements, Septic System Rules (18E), and Introduces New Inspector Role

Senate Bill 166 brings sweeping changes to the rules governing septic systems (18E), along with significant updates to the licensing and certification requirements for onsite wastewater contractors and inspectors in North Carolina. One key change is the creation of the Private Compliance Inspector (PCI) role. PCIs will be authorized to inspect work for engineers or Authorized Onsite Wastewater Evaluators (AOWEs) for private permit applications. The PCI can provide an alternative to having the AOWE or Professional Engineer (PE) conduct the final inspection for compliance on systems they have permitted. Additionally, the bill restructures the certification process for installers, simplifying the grade levels and increasing the licensing requirements for advanced roles. The changes also modify several sections of the 18E rules, particularly regarding system design standards and setbacks. Onsite Wastewater Professionals will provide further updates in the coming weeks to help you navigate the implementation of these changes.


Legislative Update: Disaster Recovery Support Through Senate Bill 382 (S.L. 2024-57)


Bill Impacting Onsite Wastewater Industry Enrolled and Sent to Governor for Approval (SB508)