Septic Manufacturer Training Workshop
This class is designed to help manufacturers of onsite wastewater products educate their users on the proper use, installation, and maintenance of their products. The class will cover the product features, benefits, and applications, as well as the manufacturer's guidance for installation, inspection, and maintenance of the product. Additionally, the class may provide manufacturer certification for attendees who successfully complete the training.
Product Overview
Introduction to the product and its features
Discussion of product benefits and applications
Overview of the manufacturer's guidance for installation, inspection, safety, and maintenance
Best practices for product installation
Discussion of installation challenges and considerations
Hands-on demonstration of product installation
Key elements of product inspection
Discussion of inspection techniques and tools
Hands-on demonstration of product inspection
Overview of product maintenance requirements
Discussion of maintenance challenges and considerations
Hands-on demonstration of product maintenance
Certification Exam (When Applicable)
Exam covering the material presented in the class
Certification for attendees who successfully complete the exam