Septic Continuing Education Workshop

This class is designed for onsite wastewater professionals, including regulators, designers, operators, inspectors, installers, pumpers, and others interested in expanding their knowledge and skills in the industry. The class will cover a variety of relevant topics, including demonstrations, hands-on activities, product and manufacturer spotlights, engaging industry speakers, and general updates on rules and regulatory changes, installation, inspection, design, operation, and maintenance of onsite wastewater systems. The class content will vary based on the location and needs of the group.


This General Continuing Education Class is designed to provide onsite wastewater professionals with up-to-date information on the latest products, technologies, regulations, and best practices in the industry. The class content will vary based on the location and needs of the group. Through a combination of presentations, hands-on activities, and discussions, attendees will gain valuable knowledge and skills related to installation, inspection, design, operation, and maintenance of onsite wastewater systems.

General Updates on Rules and Regulatory Changes

  • Overview of recent changes in regulations, rules, and guidelines related to onsite wastewater systems

  • Discussion of the implications for onsite wastewater professionals


  • Best practices in onsite wastewater system installation

  • Discussion of installation challenges and emerging technologies


  • Key elements of onsite wastewater system inspection

  • Discussion of inspection techniques and tools


  • Fundamental principles of onsite wastewater system design

  • Discussion of design considerations and challenges

Operation and Maintenance

  • Overview of the critical elements of onsite wastewater system operation and maintenance

  • Discussion of operation and maintenance challenges and emerging technologies

Product and Manufacturer Spotlight

  • Presentation on a specific product or manufacturer related to onsite wastewater systems

  • Discussion of product features, benefits, and applications

Engaging Industry Speaker

  • Presentation by an industry expert on a specific topic related to onsite wastewater systems

  • Discussion of best practices, emerging technologies, and industry trends

Hands-On Activity or Demonstration

  • Interactive activity or demonstration related to onsite wastewater systems

  • Opportunity to apply knowledge and skills in a practical setting

  • Discussion of key takeaways and insights

Septage Firm Update

  • Review of NCDEQ rules governing pumpers and septage firm operators

  • Update on any changes to NCDEQ rules governing pumpers and septage firm operators

  • Discussion of best practices for pumpers and septage firm operators

Other Industry Relevant Topics


Septic Manufacturer Training Workshop


Field Trip: Industry Spotlight