Septic Pumper: Continuing Education Workshop

This class is designed for experienced pumping professionals who are responsible for maintaining and servicing onsite wastewater systems. The class will cover advanced topics related to pumping and maintenance, including complex system troubleshooting, advanced pumping techniques, and strategies for growing and marketing a successful pumping business. The class will also cover the latest technologies and tools for pumping and maintenance, as well as regulatory compliance requirements for experienced pumping professionals.


  1. Review of Onsite Wastewater Systems

    • Overview of different types of onsite wastewater systems

    • Discussion of common problems and challenges faced by experienced pumping professionals

  2. Advanced System Troubleshooting

    • Techniques for identifying and resolving complex system problems

    • Discussion of effective problem-solving techniques for experienced pumping professionals

  3. Advanced Pumping Techniques and Tools

    • Advanced techniques for pumping and maintaining onsite wastewater systems

    • Discussion of the latest technologies and tools for pumping and maintenance

  4. Regulatory Compliance for Experienced Pumping Professionals

    • Overview of regulatory requirements for experienced pumping professionals

    • Discussion of strategies for ensuring compliance and avoiding violations

  5. Marketing and Growing a Pumping Business

    • Strategies for building and marketing a successful pumping business

    • Discussion of effective networking and customer service strategies

  6. New Technologies for Pumping and Maintenance

    • Overview of the latest technologies for pumping and maintenance

    • Discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each technology

    • Demonstration of new technologies and tools for pumping and maintenance

    • Advanced Routing and other software options.

This class will provide experienced pumping professionals with the advanced knowledge and skills necessary to maintain and service complex onsite wastewater systems effectively. Attendees will learn advanced troubleshooting techniques, advanced pumping techniques and tools, and regulatory compliance requirements for experienced pumping professionals. They will also gain insights into the latest technologies and tools for pumping and maintenance and strategies for growing and marketing their pumping business.


Understanding Insurance for the Onsite Wastewater Industry


Septic Manufacturer Training Workshop