O&M: LPP - Low Pressure Pipe Systems

This class is specifically tailored for experienced onsite wastewater professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and expertise in the operation and maintenance of low pressure pipe (LPP) systems. The course offers a comprehensive examination of LPP system components, best practices for operation, and advanced maintenance techniques, ensuring the efficient and effective performance of these systems. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical, hands-on exercises, participants will acquire the confidence and proficiency needed to optimize the lifespan and performance of LPP systems in the field.


  1. Operation Best Practices

    • Explains system start-up and shutdown procedures and emphasizes the importance of proper monitoring and record-keeping.

    • Discusses optimal flow rates and system pressures, highlighting the impact of these factors on system performance.

    • Emphasizes the importance of following safety protocols when working with LPP systems, including wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and working in a well-ventilated area.

  2. Preventive Maintenance

    • Covers routine maintenance procedures for key system components, including dosing tanks, pumps, and distribution boxes.

    • Emphasizes the importance of scheduling and documentation of maintenance activities and highlights the role of proactive system management in preventing problems before they occur.

  3. Troubleshooting and Repairs

    • Discusses common issues and their root causes, providing participants with diagnostic techniques and tools for system evaluation.

    • Outlines effective repair strategies and long-term solutions, including the use of replacement parts and system upgrades.

  4. Hands-on Practical Exercise

    • Provides an interactive demonstration of maintenance procedures, allowing participants to practice the skills they have learned in a real-world setting.

    • Offers troubleshooting scenarios and guided problem-solving, giving participants the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to common issues they may encounter in the field.

    • Includes group discussion and experience sharing, encouraging participants to learn from one another and share best practices.

  5. Conclusion and Q&A

    • Recaps the day's key takeaways, emphasizing the importance of proper operation and maintenance of LPP systems.

    • Provides an open forum for questions and additional discussion, allowing participants to address any outstanding concerns they may have.

    • Distributes course completion certificates, recognizing participants' achievement and commitment to professional development.


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