Understanding the Different Grade Levels for Licensed Septic Installers in North Carolina
When delving into the septic installation industry in North Carolina, it's essential to comprehend the different grade levels that define the scope and capacity of a septic installer. Each level corresponds to specific system types, demands various hours of continuing education, and some require exams. Here's a comprehensive guide:
1. Standard - Level 2
Every new installer will start at a Grade Level II after completing the required class and exam.
System Types: Covers any approved gravity or single pump dispersal system not specified in Grade Level IV.
This includes multiple tanks, grease traps, single pump or single siphon, fill systems, and sand-lined trench.Education Requirement: 24 Hour Certification School
Exam: 50 Question Multiple Choice Test administered by the NC Certification Board.
2. Unlimited - Level 4
This is the pinnacle level, providing an all-encompassing license that caters to all subsurface wastewater system types. Installers may become a level IV after 2 years of experience as a level II.
System Types: This level includes all onsite wastewater systems including >3000GPD systems, multiple off-site systems, industrial process wastewater, drip dispersal systems, wastewater reuse systems, and advanced treatment systems.
Education Requirement: 6 Hours of additional CE (In addition to CE required for that year) is required prior to taking the exam.
Experience Requirement: A minimum of 2 Years as a Level II Installer
Exam: 50 Question Multiple Choice Test administered by the NC Certification Board